Saturday 20 October 2012

Blending in...

The Blushing Phantom (image Sumac Muyu Foundation)
You may have seen me at the airport or on a train, like you, I would have been working away on my laptop or iPad, sipping a latte and maybe enjoying my favourite cheeky snack, chocolate liquorice.  You probably did not give me a second thought; that was my goal. 

I blend.  I get close.  I get information. I get out.

My code name is the Blushing Phantom.  We don't share our real names, I am now Nina Silver; it's just one of the many ways my life changed when I was recruited as a Butterfly. The Blushing Phantom, known in science circles as the 'Cithaerias Pireta', is a camouflage butterfly with transparent wings. It remains unseen to predators so it can get what it needs, and then safely fly away.
Today I am on a mission.  It is just beginning.  I have just arrived in Perth. 

Perth, Western Australia (image from Twodogz Photography)